Cows out on Cornstalks!
Cows grazing corn stalks turned out to the stalks a week after weaning calves Oct 2, 2022.
Lesson Learned 1: In 2021 turned out cows to stalks day after weaning calves because I had a rented trailer and wanted to get it done to keep harvesting. Cows got out and bellaring looking for calves…it was kind of a pain keeping them in first few days after putting out on stalks. Leave at home in the yard for a week to settle them down.
Lesson Learned 2: Make sure cows are not overly hungry and are loaded up on salt and mineral before turning out on new stalks. I moved these cows in January on a nice warm day but a storm coming 2 days later. They overate on corn they found and got ascedosis. One cow died a day later. Other cows were slow, slightly lame, and sluggish. Also assess the amount of corn you can find in the stalks before turning them out and if necessary, only turn them out half a day the first week or so.